

This quick reference cheat sheet provides an example introduction to using the MATLAB scientific computing language to get started quickly

#Getting Started


MATLAB is short for matrix laboratory

#Matrix and array operations

MATLAB allows you to use a single arithmetic operator or function to manipulate all values ​​in a matrix

a + 10

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following results:

ans = 3×3
    11    13    15
    12    14    16
    17    18    20


MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following results:

ans = 3×3
    0.8415    0.1411   -0.9589
    0.9093   -0.7568   -0.2794
    0.6570    0.9894   -0.5440

To transpose a matrix, use single quotes (')


ans = 3×3
     1     2     7
     3     4     8
     5     6    10

Perform standard matrix multiplication using the * operator, which computes the inner product between rows and columns

p = a*inv(a)

p = 3×3
    1.0000         0         0
         0    1.0000         0
         0         0    1.0000


Concatenation is the process of joining arrays to form larger arrays. In fact, the first array is formed by concatenating its elements. Pairs of square brackets [] are concatenation operators.

A = [a,a]

A = 3×6

     1     3     5     1     3     5
     2     4     6     2     4     6
     7     8    10     7     8    10

Concatenating arrays next to each other using commas is called horizontal concatenation. Each array must have the same number of rows. Likewise, semicolons can be used for vertical concatenation if the arrays have the same number of columns.

A = [a; a]

A = 6×3

     1     3     5
     2     4     6
     7     8    10
     1     3     5
     2     4     6
     7     8    10

#Matrices and arrays

To create an array with four elements per row, separate elements with commas (,) or spaces

a = [1 2 3 4]

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following results:

a = 1×4
     1     2     3     4

#Create a matrix with multiple rows

a = [1 3 5; 2 4 6; 7 8 10]

a = 3×3
     1     3     5
     2     4     6
     7     8    10

#5×1 column vector of zeros

z = zeros(5,1)

z = 5×1

#Complex number

A complex number has a real part and an imaginary part, and the imaginary unit is the square root of -1.


ans = 0.0000 + 1.0000i

To represent the imaginary part of a complex number, use i or j.

c = [3+4i, 4+3j; -i, 10j]

c = 2×2 complex

   3.0000 + 4.0000i   4.0000 + 3.0000i
   0.0000 - 1.0000i   0.0000 +10.0000i

#Basic knowledge

#Input the command

- - -
ans Most recently calculated answer
clc Clear the command line window
diary Record the text of the command line window into the log file
format Set the output display format
home Send cursor reset
iskeyword Determine if the input is a MATLAB keyword
more Control paging output in the command line window
commandwindow Select command window
commandhistory Open command history window


- -
DisplayFormatOptions Output display format in the command line window

#Matrices and Arrays

Create and combine arrays

- - -
zeros Create an array of all zeros
ones Create an array of all 1s
rand Uniformly distributed random numbers
true Logical value 1 (true)
false logical 0 (false)
eye identity matrix
diag Create a diagonal matrix or get the diagonal elements of a matrix
blkdiag block diagonal matrix
cat Concatenate arrays.
horzcat Concatenate arrays horizontally
vertcat Concatenate arrays vertically
repelem Repeat array element copy
repmat Repeat array copy

create grid

- - -
linspace Generate linearly spaced vectors
logspace Generate logarithmic spaced vectors
freqspace frequency spacing of frequency response
meshgrid 2D and 3D grids
ndgrid Rectangular grid in N-dimensional space

Determine size, shape and order

- - -
length The length of the largest array dimension
size array size
ndims Number of dimensions of the array
numel the number of array elements
isscalar Determine whether the input is a scalar
issorted Determine if the array is sorted
issortedrows Determine whether the rows of a matrix or table are sorted
isvector Determine whether the input is a vector
ismatrix Determine whether the input is a matrix
isrow Determine whether the input is a row vector
iscolumn Determine whether the input is a column vector
isempty Determine whether the array is empty

Refactor and rearrange

- - -
sort Sort array elements
sortrows Sort matrix rows or table rows
flip Flip the order of elements
fliplr Flip the array from left to right
flipud Flip the array from top to bottom
rot90 Rotate an array by 90 degrees
transpose Transpose a vector or matrix
ctranspose complex conjugate transpose
permute permute array dimension
ipermute Inverse permutation of array dimensions.
circshift Circular shift array
shiftdim shift array dimension
reshape Reshape array
squeeze Remove dimensions of length 1


- - -
colon vector creation, array subscript and for loop iteration
end Terminate a code block or indicate the maximum array index
ind2sub Convert linear index to subscript
sub2ind Convert subscript to linear index

#Value type

Create numeric variables

- - -
double double precision array
single single precision array
int8 8-bit signed integer array
int16 16-bit signed integer array
int32 32-bit signed integer array
int64 64-bit signed integer array
uint8 Array of 8-bit unsigned integers
uint16 16-bit unsigned integer array
uint32 32-bit unsigned integer array
uint64 64-bit unsigned integer array

Convert between numeric types

- - -
cast Convert variables to different data types
typecast Convert data types without changing the underlying data

query type and value

- - -
allfinite Determine if all array elements are finite
anynan Determine if any array element is NaN
isinteger Determine whether the input is an integer array
isfloat Determine whether the input is a floating-point array
isnumeric Determine whether the input is a numeric array
isreal Determine whether the array uses complex storage
isfinite Determine which array elements are finite
isinf Determine which array elements are infinite
isnan Determine which array elements are NaN

Value range

- - -
eps Floating point relative precision
flintmax The largest consecutive integer in floating point format
Inf Create an array with all values ​​Inf
intmax The maximum value of a specific integer type
intmin The minimum value of a specific integer type
NaN Create an array where all values ​​are NaN
realmax The largest positive floating point number
realmin Minimum standard floating point number

#Loops and conditional statements

- -
if, elseif, else Execute statement when condition is true
switch, case, otherwise Execute one of multiple sets of statements
for A for loop used to repeat a specified number of times
while A while loop that executes repeatedly while a condition is true
try, catch Execute the statement and catch the resulting error
break Terminate execution of a for or while loop
return Return control to the calling script or function
continue Passes control to the next iteration of a for or while loop
pause Temporarily suspend the execution of MATLAB
parfor Parallel for loop
end Terminate a code block or indicate the maximum array index

#Array of strings

- - -
string string array
strings Create a string array that does not contain characters
join Merge strings
plus Add numbers, append strings

#Character array

- - -
char character array
cellstr Convert to a cell array of character vectors
blanks Create a blank character array
newline Create newline

#Character or string array

- - -
compose Format data into multiple strings
sprintf Format data as string or character vector
strcat Concatenate strings horizontally
append Merge strings

#Char or string -convert input arguments

- -
convertCharsToStrings convert character array to string array, other arrays remain unchanged
convertStringsToChars Convert string array to character array, other arrays remain unchanged
convertContainedStringsToChars Convert an array of strings at any level of a cell array or structure

#CHAR or STRING -convert between numeric and string

- - -
double double precision array
string string array
str2double Convert a string to a double value
num2str Convert numbers to character arrays

#Character or string -determine type and attributes

type of data

- - -
ischar Determine whether the input is a character array
iscellstr Determines if input is a cell array of character vectors
isstring Determine whether the input is an array of strings
isStringScalar Determine whether the input is a string array containing one element

text attribute

- - -
strlength string length
isstrprop Determine which characters in the input string belong to the specified category
isletter Determine which characters are letters
isspace Determine which characters are whitespace characters

#character or string -find and replace

look up

- - -
contains Determine if there is a pattern in the string
matches Determine if a pattern matches a string
count Count the number of occurrences of a pattern in a string
endsWith Determine if a string ends with a pattern
startsWith Determine whether a string starts with a pattern
strfind Find a string in other strings
sscanf Read formatted data from a string


- - -
replace Find and replace one or more substrings
replaceBetween Replace the substring between the start and end
strrep Find and replace substring

#String matching pattern -build pattern

- - -
pattern pattern for searching and matching text

#String match pattern -character match pattern

- - -
alphanumericsPattern match alphanumeric characters
characterListPattern Match characters in the list
digitsPattern Match digit characters
lettersPattern match letter pattern
whitespacePattern match whitespace characters
wildcardPattern Match as few characters of any type as possible

#String matching pattern -pattern search rules

- - -
optionalPattern Make pattern matching optional
possessivePattern Match pattern without backtracking
caseSensitivePattern Match patterns in a case-sensitive manner
caseInsensitivePattern Match patterns in a case-insensitive manner
asFewOfPattern The number of pattern matches should be as few as possible
asManyOfPattern Pattern matching as many times as possible

#String matching pattern -Boundary pattern

- -
alphanumericBoundary Matches the boundary between alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric characters
digitBoundary Matches the boundary between digit characters and non-digit characters
letterBoundary Matches the boundary between alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters
whitespaceBoundary Matches the boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace characters
lineBoundary match the beginning or end of a line
textBoundary match the beginning or end of the text
lookAheadBoundary match the boundary before the specified pattern
lookBehindBoundary Boundary after matching the specified pattern

#String matching pattern -custom pattern display

- - -
maskedPattern pattern with specified display name
namedPattern Specify a named pattern

#String matching pattern -regular expression

- - -
regexp match regular expression (case sensitive)
regexpi Match regular expressions (case insensitive)
regexprep Replace text using regular expressions
regexptranslate Convert text to regular expressions
regexpPattern Match the pattern of the specified regular expression

#String matching pattern -join and split

- - -
join Merge strings
plus Add numbers, append strings
split Split string at delimiter
splitlines Split a string at newlines
strjoin join the strings in the array
strsplit Splits a string or character vector at the specified delimiter
strtok Selected string part
extract Extract a substring from a string
extractAfter Extract the substring after the specified position
extractBefore Extract the substring before the specified position
extractBetween Extract the substring between the starting point and the ending point

#String editing

- - -
erase Delete a substring in a string
eraseBetween Delete the substring between the start and end
extract Extract a substring from a string
extractAfter Extract the substring after the specified position
extractBefore Extract the substring before the specified position
extractBetween Extract the substring between the starting point and the ending point
insertAfter Insert a string after the specified substring
insertBefore Insert a string before the specified substring
pad Add leading or trailing characters to a string
strip Remove leading and trailing characters in a string
lower convert string to lowercase
upper convert string to uppercase
reverse Reverse the order of characters in a string
deblank Remove trailing blanks at the end of a string
strtrim Remove leading and trailing blanks from a string
strjust align string

#String comparison

- - -
matches Determine if a pattern matches a string
strcmp Compare strings
strcmpi Compare strings (case insensitive)
strncmp compares the first n characters of a string (case sensitive)
strncmpi Compare the first n characters of a string (case insensitive )

#Basic Arithmetic


  • + Add numbers, append strings
  • sum sum of array elements
  • cumsum cumulative sum
  • movsum moving sum


  • - subtraction
  • diff difference and approximate derivative


- - -
.* Multiplication
* Matrix multiplication
prod product of array elements
cumprod cumulative product
pagemtimes Matrix multiplication by page
tensorprod Tensor products between two tensors


- - -
./ Array right division
.\ Array left division
/ Solve the system of linear equations xA = B about x
\ Solve the system of linear equations Ax = B with respect to x


  • .^ Element-wise exponentiation
  • ^ matrix power


- - -
.' Transpose a vector or matrix
' complex conjugate transpose
pagetranspose Transpose by page
pagectranspose Complex conjugate transpose by page

#Array notation

#Modular division and rounding

- - -
mod Remainder after division (modulo operation)
rem Remainder after division
idivide Divisibility with rounding options
ceil round towards positive infinity
fix round towards zero
floor round towards negative infinity
round round to the nearest decimal or integer

#Custom Binary Functions

- - -
bsxfun Apply element-wise operations on two arrays (with implicit expansion enabled)

#Relational operations

value comparison

- - -
== Determine equality
>= Determine greater than or equal to
> Determine greater than
<= Determine less than or equal to
< Determine less than
~= Determine Inequality
isequal Determine array equality
isequaln Test array equality, treat NaN values ​​as equal

#Logical (Boolean) operations

true or false condition

- - -
Short-circuit &&, || Logical operators with short-circuit function
& Computational logic AND
~ Computational logic NOT
| Calculation logic OR
xor Compute logical exclusive OR
all Determine whether all array elements are non-zero or true
any Determine if any array elements are non-zero
false logical 0 (false)
find Find the index and value of non-zero elements
islogical Determine whether the input is a logical array
logical Convert numeric values ​​to logical values
true Logical value 1 (true)

#Set operation

union, intersection, set relationship

- - -
intersect Set the intersection of two arrays
ismember Determine whether an array element is a set array member
setdiff Set the difference between two arrays
setxor Set XOR of two arrays
union Set the union of two arrays
unique Unique value in an array
ismembertol set membership within tolerance
uniquetol unique values ​​within tolerance
join Merge two tables or timetables row by row using a key variable
innerjoin Inner join between two tables or timetables
outerjoin Outer join between two tables or timetables

#Bitwise operations

set, offset, or compare specific bitfields

- - -
bitand Bitwise AND
bitor Bitwise OR
bitxor Bitwise XOR
bitcmp Bitwise complement
bitget Get the bit at the specified position
bitset Set the bit at the specified position
bitshift Shift bits by specified number of bits
swapbytes swap byte order

#Data import and export

#text file -read and write table or timetable

#Basic import and export

- - -
readtable Create a table based on a file
writetable write table to file
readtimetable Create a timetable based on a file
writetimetable Write timetable to file

#Define import rules

- -
detectImportOptions Generate import options based on file content
delimitedTextImportOptions Import options object for delimited text
fixedWidthImportOptions Import options object for fixed-width text files
xmlImportOptions Import options object for XML file
htmlImportOptions Import options object for HTML files
wordDocumentImportOptions Microsoft Word file import options object
getvaropts Get variable import options
setvaropts Set variable import options
setvartype Set variable data type
preview Preview eight lines of data in the file with import options

#Text files -read and write matrices and arrays

- - -
readmatrix Read a matrix from a file
writematrix Write matrix to file
readcell Read a cell array from a file
writecell Write a cell array to a file
readvars Read variables from a file
textscan Read formatted data from a text file or string
type Display file content
fileread Read file content in text format
readlines Read lines of a file as an array of strings
writelines Write text to file

#Spreadsheet -Read and Write Table or Timetable

Basic import and export

- - -
readtable Create a table from a file
writetable write table to file
readtimetable Create a timetable from a file
writetimetable Write timetable to file
sheetnames Get sheetnames from a spreadsheet file

Define import rules

- -
detectImportOptions Generate import options based on file content
spreadsheetImportOptions Spreadsheet import options object
getvaropts Get variable import options
setvaropts Set variable import options
setvartype Set variable data type
preview Preview eight rows of data in a file with import options

#Spreadsheet -Reading and writing matrices and arrays

- - -
readmatrix Read a matrix from a file
writematrix Write matrix to file
readcell Read a cell array from a file
writecell Write a cell array to a file
readvars Read variables from a file
importdata Load data from a file


- - -
imfinfo Information about graphics files
imread Reads an image from a graphics file
imwrite Writes an image to a graphics file
Tiff MATLAB entry for LibTIFF library routines

#Read or write a NetCDF file

- - -
nccreate Create variables in a NetCDF file
ncdisp Displays NetCDF data source content in the command line window
ncinfo Returns information about a NetCDF data source
ncread Read variable data from a NetCDF data source
ncreadatt Read attribute values ​​in a NetCDF data source
ncwrite Write data to a NetCDF file
ncwriteatt Write attributes to a NetCDF file
ncwriteschema Adds a NetCDF schema definition to a NetCDF file

#NetCDF library package -library functions

- -
netcdf.getChunkCache Retrieves the chunk cache settings for the NetCDF library
netcdf.inqLibVers Returns NetCDF library version information
netcdf.setChunkCache Sets the default chunk cache settings for the NetCDF library
netcdf.setDefaultFormat Change the default netCDF file format

#NetCDF library package -file operations

- -
netcdf.abort restores the most recent netCDF file definition
netcdf.close Closes a netCDF file
netcdf.create Create a new NetCDF dataset
netcdf.endDef End netCDF file definition mode
netcdf.inq returns information about a netCDF file
netcdf.inqFormat Determines the format of a NetCDF file
netcdf.inqGrps Retrieves an array of subgroup IDs
netcdf.inqUnlimDims Retrieves a list of infinite dimensions in a group
netcdf.open Open NetCDF data source
netcdf.reDef puts an open netCDF file into definition mode
netcdf.setFill Set netCDF fill mode
netcdf.sync Synchronize netCDF files to disk

#NetCDF Library Package -Dimensions

- - -
netcdf.defdim Create netCDF dimensions
netcdf.inqDim Returns netCDF dimension names and lengths
netcdf.inqDimID Returns the dimension ID
netcdf.renameDim Change netCDF dimension names

#NetCDF library package -group

- - -
netcdf.defGrp Create groups in a NetCDF file
netcdf.inqDimIDs Retrieves a list of dimension identifiers in a group
netcdf.inqGrpName Retrieve group name
netcdf.inqGrpNameFull the full pathname of the group
netcdf.inqGrpParent Retrieves the ID of the parent group.
netcdf.inqNcid Returns the ID of a named group
netcdf.inqVarIDs IDs of all variables in the group

#NetCDF library package -variable

- -
netcdf.defVarFill Defines the fill parameter for a NetCDF variable
netcdf.defVar Create a NetCDF variable
netcdf.defVarChunking Defines chunking behavior for NetCDF variables
netcdf.defVarDeflate Defines compression parameters for NetCDF variables
netcdf.defVarFletcher32 Defines validation parameters for NetCDF variables
netcdf.getVar Read data in a NetCDF variable
netcdf.inqVar Information about variables
netcdf.inqVarChunking Determines chunking settings for NetCDF variables
netcdf.inqVarDeflate Determines compression settings for NetCDF variables
netcdf.inqVarFill Determines the fill parameter value for a NetCDF variable
netcdf.inqVarFletcher32 About Fletcher32 checksum settings for NetCDF variables
netcdf.inqVarID Returns the ID associated with the variable name
netcdf.putVar Writes data to a netCDF variable
netcdf.renameVar Change netCDF variable name

#NetCDF library package -properties

- - -
netcdf.copyAtt Copy an attribute to a new location
netcdf.delAtt Remove netCDF attribute
netcdf.getAtt Returns the NetCDF attribute
netcdf.inqAtt Returns information about netCDF attributes
netcdf.inqAttID Returns the ID of a netCDF attribute
netcdf.inqAttName Returns the netCDF attribute name
netcdf.putAtt Write netCDF attributes
netcdf.renameAtt Change Attribute Name

#NetCDF library package -user-defined types

:- :-
netcdf.defVlen Define user-defined variable length array type (NC_VLEN)
netcdf.inqUserType Return information about user-defined type
netcdf.inqVlen Return information about user-defined NC_VLEN type

#NetCDF library package -Utilities

- -
netcdf.getConstant returns the value of the named constant
netcdf.getConstantNames returns a list of constants known to the netCDF library

#Read or write HDF5 files

- - -
h5create Create HDF5 dataset
h5disp Display the content of HDF5 files
h5info Information about HDF5 files
h5read Read data from HDF5 dataset
h5readatt Read attributes from HDF5 files
h5write Write HDF5 dataset
h5writeatt Write HDF5 attributes

#HDF5 library package

- -
Library (H5) General-purpose functions for use with entire HDF5 library
Attribute (H5A) Metadata associated with datasets or groups
Dataset (H5D) Multidimensional arrays of data elements and supporting metadata
Dimension Scale (H5DS) Dimension scale associated with dataset dimensions
Error (H5E) Error handling
File (H5F) HDF5 file access
Group (H5G) Organization of objects in file
Identifier (H5I) HDF5 object identifiers
Link (H5L) Links in HDF5 file
MATLAB (H5ML) MATLAB utility functions not part of the HDF5 C library
Object (H5O) Objects in file
Property (H5P) Object property lists
Reference (H5R) HDF5 references
Dataspace (H5S) Dimensionality of dataset
Datatype (H5T) Datatype of elements in a dataset

#HDF4 Files -Advanced Functions

- -
hdfinfo Information about HDF4 or HDF-EOS files
hdfread Read data from HDF4 or HDF-EOS files
imread Read an image from a graphics file
imwrite Write image to graphics file

#Low-level functions -package

- -
matlab.io.hdf4.sd Interact directly with the HDF4 multi-file scientific dataset (SD) interface
matlab.io.hdfeos.gd Low-level access to HDF-EOS grid data
matlab.io.hdfeos.sw Low-level access to HDF-EOS segmented files

#Low Level Functions -Functions

- -
hdfan The entry of HDF multi-file annotation (AN) interface
hdfhx The entry of HDF external data (HX) interface
hdfh The entry of HDF H interface
hdfhd The entry of HDF HD interface
hdfhe The entry of HDF HE interface
hdfml Utilities for use with MATLAB HDF entry functions
hdfpt Interface of HDF-EOS point object
hdfv The entry of HDF Vgroup (V) interface
hdfvf The entry of VF function in HDF Vdata interface
hdfvh The entry of VH function in HDF Vdata interface
hdfvs The entry of VS function in HDF Vdata interface
hdfdf24 HDF 24-bit raster image (DF24) interface entry
hdfdfr8 HDF 8-bit raster image (DFR8) interface entry

#FITS file -function

- -
fitsdisp Display FITS metadata
fitsinfo Information about FITS files
fitsread Read data in FITS files
fitswrite Write image to FITS file

#FITS files -file access

- -
createFile Create FITS file
openFile Open FITS file
openDiskFile Open FITS file
closeFile Close FITS file
deleteFile Delete FITS file
fileName The name of the FITS file
fileMode I/O mode for FITS files

#FITS files -image processing

- -
createImg Create FITS image
getImgSize image size
getImgType The data type of the image
insertImg Insert a FITS image after the current image
readImg read image data
setBscale Reset image scaling
writeImg write FITS image

#FITS file -keyword

- -
readCard Header record of keywords
readKey Keyword
readKeyCmplx A keyword in the form of a complex scalar value
readKeyDbl Keyword in the form of double precision value
readKeyLongLong Keyword in the form of int64
readKeyLongStr long string value
readKeyUnit The physical unit string in the key
readRecord Header record specified by number
writeComment Write or append COMMENT keyword to CHU
writeDate Write DATE keyword to CHU
writeKey Update or add new keywords to the current HDU
writeKeyUnit write physical unit string
writeHistory Write or append HISTORY keyword to CHU
deleteKey Delete key by name
deleteRecord Delete keywords by record number
getHdrSpace The number of keywords in the header

#FITS files -Header Data Unit (HDU) access

- -
copyHDU Copy current HDU from one file to another
getHDUnum The number of the current HDU in the FITS file
getHDUtype current HDU type
getNumHDUs Total number of HDUs in FITS file
movAbsHDU Move to Absolute HDU Numbering
movNamHDU Move to the first HDU containing a specific type and keyword value
movRelHDU Move relative amount of HDU from current HDU
writeChecksum Calculate and write the checksum of the current HDU
deleteHDU Delete the current HDU in the FITS file

#FITS files -image compression

- -
imgCompress Compress HDU from one file to another
isCompressedImg Determine whether the current image is compressed
setCompressionType Set image compression type
setHCompScale Set the scaling parameters of the HCOMPRESS algorithm
setHCompSmooth Sets smoothing for images compressed with HCOMPRESS
setTileDim Set tile dimensions

#FITS file -ASCII table and binary table

- -
createTbl Create a new ASCII or binary table extension
insertCol Insert a column into a table
insertRows Insert rows into the table
insertATbl Insert an ASCII table after the current HDU
insertBTbl Insert a binary table behind the current HDU
deleteCol Delete a column from a table
deleteRows Delete rows from the table
getAColParms ASCII table information
getBColParms binary table information
getColName table column name
getColType Data type, repeat value, width of scaled column
getEqColType column data type, repeated value, width
getNumCols The number of columns in the table
getNumRows the number of rows in the table
readATblHdr Read the header information from the current ASCII table
readBTblHdr Read the header information from the current binary table
readCol Reads rows of ASCII or binary table columns
setTscale reset image scaling
writeCol Write elements to an ASCII or binary table column

#FITS files -Utilities

- -
getConstantValue specify the constant value
getVersion The revision number of the CFITSIO library
getOpenFiles list of opened FITS files

#Stripe interleaved file

- -
multibandread Read a striped interleaved file from a binary file
multibandwrite Write strip interleaved data to a file

#Common Data Format (CDF)

- -
cdfinfo Information on Common Data Format (CDF) files
cdfread Read data in Common Data Format (CDF) files
cdfepoch Converts a date literal or date sequence value to a date in CDF format
todatenum Convert CDF epoch objects to MATLAB date serial values


- -
cdflib Direct interaction with CDF library

#Read video data

- -
VideoReader Create an object to read a video file
read Read one or more video frames
readFrame Read the next video frame
hasFrame Determine whether there are video frames available for reading
getFileFormats File formats supported by VideoReader
mmfileinfo Information about multimedia files

#Write video data

- -
VideoWriter Create an object to write a video file
open Open a file to write video data
writeVideo Write video data to a file
close close the file after writing video data
getProfiles Description files and file formats supported by VideoWriter

#Read or write audio

- -
audioread Read audio files
audiowrite Write audio files
lin2mu Convert linear audio signal to mu-law
mu2lin Convert mu-law audio signal to linear format
audioinfo Information about audio files

#Play audio

- -
audioplayer Object for playing audio
isplaying Determine whether playback is in progress
pause Pause playback or recording
play Play audio from audioplayer object
playblocking Play audio in audioplayer object, keep control until playback is complete
resume Resume playback or recording from the paused state
stop Stop playing or recording

#Record audio

- -
audiorecorder object for recording audio
getaudiodata Store the recorded audio signal in a numeric array
getplayer Create an associated audioplayer object
isrecording Determine if recording is in progress
record Record audio into audiorecorder object
recordblocking Record audio into an audiorecorder object, keep control until recording is complete

#Play sound

- -
audiodevinfo Information about audio devices
audiodevreset Refresh the list of available audio devices
sound Convert signal data matrix to sound
soundsc Scale data and play it as sound
beep generate operating system beep

#Reading and writing XML documents

- -
matlab.io.xml.dom.DOMWriter Write serialized XML documents Injector
matlab.io.xml.dom.EntityResolver Abstract base class of entity resolver
matlab.io.xml.dom.FileWriter Writer for creating text files
matlab.io.xml.dom.Locator The location of the element in the XML file
matlab.io.xml.dom.Parser XML markup parser
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParserConfiguration XML parser options
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParseError Specified XML tag parsing error
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParseErrorHandler Abstract base class for parse error handlers
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParseErrorLocator Specifies location of parse error
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParseErrorSeverity Indicates the severity of XML tag parsing errors enum class
matlab.io.xml.dom.ResourceIdentifier XML resource identifier
matlab.io.xml.dom.ResourceIdentifierType XML resource identifier type
matlab.io.xml.dom.WriterConfiguration XML DOM Writer Options


- -
matlab.io.xml.dom.Attr Attributes of XML elements
matlab.io.xml.dom.CDATASection CDATA section
matlab.io.xml.dom.Comment Comments in XML documents
matlab.io.xml.dom.Document XML document
matlab.io.xml.dom.DocumentFragment document node group
matlab.io.xml.dom.DocumentType document type
matlab.io.xml.dom.Element element of XML document
matlab.io.xml.dom.Entity Entity defined by document type
matlab.io.xml.dom.NamedNodeMap A set of document nodes with names
matlab.io.xml.dom.NodeList document node list
matlab.io.xml.dom.Notation Notation in document type definition
matlab.io.xml.dom.ProcessingInstruction XML processing instruction
matlab.io.xml.dom.Text Text in an XML document
matlab.io.xml.dom.TypeInfo schema type information

#XML Transformation

- -
matlab.io.xml.transform.CompiledStylesheet Compiled stylesheet
matlab.io.xml.transform.ResultDocument Store the transformation result as a document
matlab.io.xml.transform.ResultString Store the transformation result as a string
matlab.io.xml.transform.ResultFile Store the transformation result as a file
matlab.io.xml.transform.SourceDocument XML source document for transformation
matlab.io.xml.transform.SourceFile XML source file for transformation
matlab.io.xml.transform.SourceString XML source string for transformation string
matlab.io.xml.transform.StylesheetSourceDocument Stylesheet source for transformation document
matlab.io.xml.transform.StylesheetSourceFile Stylesheet source for transformation document
matlab.io.xml.transform.StylesheetSourceString XSL source string for transformation string
matlab.io.xml.transform.Tracer Trace execution of stylesheet

#XPath query

- -
matlab.io.xml.xpath.CompiledExpression Compiled XPath expression
matlab.io.xml.xpath.EvalResultType The result type of XPath expression calculation
matlab.io.xml.xpath.Evaluator XPath expression evaluator
matlab.io.xml.xpath.PrefixResolver For namespace prefix resolver Abstract base class for

#JSON format

- -
jsondecode Decode text in JSON format
jsonencode Create JSON-formatted text {.style-list} from structured MATLAB data

#Workspace variables and MAT-file

- -
load Load file variables into the workspace
save Save workspace variables to a file
matfile Access and change variables in a MAT-file without loading the file into memory
disp Display the value of the variable
formattedDisplayText Capture display output as a string
who List variables in the workspace
whos List variables in the workspace with their size and type
clear Delete items from the workspace and release system memory
clearvars Clear variables in memory
openvar Open a workspace variable in the variable editor or other graphical editing tools
Workspace Browser Open the Workspace Browser to manage the workspace

#Low-level file I/O

- -
fclose close one or all open files
feof Detect the end of the file
ferror File I/O error message
fgetl Read lines in a file and remove line breaks
fgets Read lines in a file and keep newlines
fileread Read file content in text format
fopen Open a file or get information about opening a file
fprintf Write data to a text file
fread Read data in binary files
frewind Move the file position indicator to the beginning of the opened file
fscanf Read the data in the text file
fseek Move to the specified position in the file
ftell current location
fwrite Write data to a binary file

#Serial and USB Communication -Connection and Configuration

- -
serialportlist List of serial ports connected to your system
serialport Connect to a serial port
configureTerminator Set the terminator for ASCII string communication with the serial port
configureCallback Set callback function and trigger conditions for communication with serial port devices

#Serial and USB communication -read and write

- -
read Read data from the serial port
readline Read ASCII string data line from serial port
write write data to serial port
writeline Write ASCII data line to serial port

#Serial and USB communication -control pins and memory

- -
flush Clear the serial port device buffer
getpinstatus Get the serial port status
setRTS Set the serial port RTS pin
setDTR Set the serial DTR pin

#TCP/IP communication -connection and configuration

- -
tcpclient Create a TCP/IP client connection to a TCP/IP server
echotcpip Start or stop the TCP/IP echo server
configureTerminator Set terminator for ASCII string communication with remote host via TCP/IP
configureCallback Set callback function and trigger condition for communication with remote host via TCP/IP

#TCP/IP communication -read and write

- -
read Read data on a remote host via TCP/IP
readline Read ASCII string data line from remote host via TCP/IP
write Write data to a remote host via TCP/IP
writeline Write ASCII data line to remote host via TCP/IP
flush Flush buffers for communication with remote hosts via TCP/IP

#Bluetooth communication -connection and configuration

- -
bluetoothlist Scan for nearby Bluetooth classic devices
bluetooth Connect to Bluetooth classic device
configureTerminator Set terminator for ASCII string communication with Bluetooth device
configureCallback Set callback function and trigger condition for communication with Bluetooth device

#Bluetooth communication -read and write

- -
read Read data from a Bluetooth device
readline Read ASCII string data line from Bluetooth device
write write data to Bluetooth device
writeline Write ASCII data line to Bluetooth device
flush Clear Bluetooth device buffer

#Bluetooth Low Energy Communication

- -
blelist Scan for nearby low energy Bluetooth peripherals
ble Connect to low energy Bluetooth peripherals
characteristic Access to characteristics of Bluetooth low energy peripherals
descriptor Access descriptors on Bluetooth low energy peripherals
read Read characteristic or descriptor data on a Bluetooth low energy peripheral device
write Write data to a characteristic or descriptor of a Bluetooth low energy peripheral device
subscribe Subscribe to characteristic notifications or instructions
unsubscribe Unsubscribe characteristic notifications and instructions

#Web Services

- -
webread Read content from RESTful web services
webwrite Write data to RESTful web service
websave Save content in RESTful web service to file
weboptions Specify parameters for RESTful web services
web Open a webpage or file in a browser
sendmail Send email to address list

#FTP file operations

- -
ftp Connect to an FTP server to access its files
sftp Connection to SFTP server to access its files
ascii Set FTP transfer mode to ASCII
binary Set FTP transfer mode to binary
cd Change or view the current folder on an SFTP or FTP server
close Close the connection to the SFTP or FTP server
delete Delete files on SFTP or FTP server
dir List folder contents on SFTP or FTP server
mget Download files from SFTP or FTP server
mkdir Create a new folder on an SFTP or FTP server
mput Upload files or folders to SFTP or FTP server
rename Rename a file on an SFTP or FTP server
rmdir Delete a folder on an SFTP or FTP server

#Internet of Things (IoT) Data

- -
thingSpeakRead Read data stored in ThingSpeak channel
thingSpeakWrite write data to ThingSpeak channel