

A visual cheat-sheet for the 96 keyboard shortcuts found in JetBrains PhpStorm

#Keyboard Shortcuts


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Space Basic code completion
Alt Enter Show intention actions and quick-fixes
Ctrl P Parameter info (within method call arguments)
Ctrl Q Quick documentation lookup
Ctrl (mouse over code) Brief Info
Alt Insert Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors)
Ctrl O Override methods
Ctrl I Implement methods
Ctrl Alt T Surround with...(if..else, try..catch, for, etc.)
Ctrl / Comment/uncomment with line comment
Ctrl Shift / Comment/uncomment with block comment
Ctrl W Select successively increasing code blocks
Ctrl Shift W Decrease current selection to previous state
Ctrl Alt L Reformat code
Ctrl Alt I Auto-indent line(s)
Ctrl D Duplicate current line or selected block
Ctrl Y Delete line at caret
Ctrl Shift J Smart line join (HTML and JavaScript only)
Ctrl Enter Smart line split (HTML and JavaScript only)
Shift Enter Start a new line
Ctrl Shift U Toggle case for word at caret or selected block
Ctrl Shift [ Select till code block start
Ctrl Shift ] Select till code block end
Ctrl Delete Delete to word end
Ctrl Backspace Delete to word start
Ctrl +/- Expand/collapse code block
Ctrl F4 Close active editor tab
Ctrl Shift V Paste from history


Shortcut Action
F8 Step over
F7 Step into
Shift F8 Step out
Alt F8 Evaluate expression
F9 Resume program
Ctrl F8 Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl Shift F8 View breakpoints


Shortcut Action
Shift F10 Run
Shift F9 Debug
Ctrl Shift F10 Run context configuration from editor
Ctrl Shift X Run command line


Shortcut Action
Ctrl F/R Find/Replace
F3 Find next
Shift F3 Find previous
Ctrl Shift F/R Find/Replace in path
Shortcut Action
Alt F7 Find usages
Ctrl F7 Find usages in file
Ctrl Shift F7 Highlight usages in file
Ctrl Alt F7 Show usages
Shortcut Action
Ctrl N Go to class
Ctrl Shift N Go to file
Ctrl Shift Alt N Go to symbol
Ctrl G Go to line
Alt Left/Right Go to next/previous editor tab
Esc Go to editor (from tool window)
Ctrl E Recent files popup
Ctrl Alt Left/Right Navigate back/forward
Ctrl Shift Backspace Navigate to last edit location
Alt F1 Select current file or symbol in any view
Ctrl B Go to declaration
Ctrl Alt B Go to implementation(s)
Ctrl Shift I Open quick definition lookup
Ctrl Shift B Go to type declaration
Ctrl U Go to super-method/super-class
Alt Up/Down Go to previous/next method
Ctrl ]/[ Move to code block end/start
F2 Next highlighted error
Shift F2 Previous highlighted error
F4 Edit/view source


Shortcut Action
F5/F6 Copy/Move
Alt Delete Safe delete
Shift F6 Rename
Ctrl Alt N Inline variable
Ctrl Alt M/V/F/C Extract Method/Variable/Field/Constant
Ctrl Alt Shift T Refactor This (shows all available refactorings)

#VCS/Local History

Shortcut Action
Alt ` VCS quick popup
Ctrl K Commit project to VCS
Ctrl T Update project from VCS
Alt Shift C View recent changes


Shortcut Action
Shift x2 Search everywhere
Ctrl Shift A Find Action
Alt 1-9 Open corresponding tool window
Ctrl Alt F11 Toggle full screen mode
Ctrl Shift F12 Toggle maximizing editor
Alt Shift F Add to Favorites
Alt Shift I Inspect current file with current profile
Ctrl Alt S Open Settings dialog
Ctrl Tab Switch between tabs and tool window

#Live Templates/Snippets

Shortcut Action
Ctrl J Insert Live Template
eco 'echo' statement
fore foreach(iterable_expr as $value)
forek foreach(iterable_expr as $key => $value)
inc/inco 'include'/'include_once' statement
prif private function
prof protected function
pubf public function
rqr/rqro 'require'/'require_once' statement


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift A Find Action

#Also see