

A visual cheat-sheet for the 50 keyboard shortcuts found on the Shopify website

#Keyboard Shortcuts

#General Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
? Keyboard help
S Focus search bar
F Focus filter bar
B Y E Log out
M E Your profile
O S Open the store switcher

#Adding Items

Shortcut Action
A P Add product
A C Add collection
A D Add discount
A O Add order
A U Add customer
A B Add blog post
A L Add blog
A G Add page

#Admin Panel I

Shortcut Action
G H Go to home
G P P Go to products
G N Go to analytics
G D Go to discounts
G A Go to apps
G B C Go to abandoned checkouts
G P I Go to products, inventory
G P G Go to products, gift cards
G W B Go to online store, blog posts
G W T Go to online store, themes
G W D Go to online store, domains
G T L Go to settings, locations

#Admin Panel II

Shortcut Action
G S P Go to settings, payments
G S S Go to settings, shipping
G S N Go to settings, notifications
G S F Go to settings, files
G S W Go to settings, online store
G S L Go to settings, sales channels
G O Go to orders
G C Go to customers
G M Go to marketing
G L Go to sales channels
G S Go to settings
G P T Go to products, transfers
G P C Go to products, collections

#Admin Panel III

Shortcut Action
G W O Go to online store, overview
G W P Go to online store, pages
G W N Go to line store, navigation
G T O Go to point of sale, overview
G S G Go to settings, general
G S C Go to settings, checkout
G S X Go to settings, taxes
G S I Go to settings, gift cards
G S A Go to settings, account
G S T Go to settings, point of sale
G S B Go to settings, billing

#Also see